Item #: SCP-815
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-815 must be kept in a secure storage unit, with access restricted to Level 3 personnel or higher. The storage unit must be kept dark and unlit when not in use, and a containment team must be on standby whenever SCP-815 is exposed to light. Under no circumstances are any personnel allowed to possess colored liquids in the presence of SCP-815 without the approval of a Level 4 researcher. Emergency water hoses and vats should be kept near SCP-815 at all times.
Description: SCP-815 is a small miniature likeness of [DATA EXPUNGED] constructed out of an unknown material. The figure's size is roughly 5 cm. Testing has showed that SCP-815 is metallic in nature and is completely solid, yet elastic enough to bounce with the same properties as rubber. It remains completely inert when left alone, and is highly resistant to chemicals that would corrode normal metals. SCP-815 is also unaffected by minor temperature changes, though its true melting point is currently unknown.
SCP-815's special ability is that it takes unique physical attributes depending on what color it is. For this effect to happen, SCP-815 must be completely covered in a uniform, colored pigment such as paint. If SCP-815 is not completely covered, or if the coloring is not uniform, then SCP-815 will not manifest any special abilities. Testing and remote scanning of SCP-815 reveal that its abilities are based off what wavelengths of light it is absorbing and repelling. This appears to be limited to light in the visual spectrum, as materials that manipulate infrared and ultraviolet wavelengths appear to have no effect.
SCP-815 also has the ability to remove any substance on its surface with the application of water, regardless of the substance used. Any kind of substance ranging from oil based paint, watercolor paint, markers, ink, wax, primer, and more will immediately be removed by the appication of water. The water and removed substances do not possess and unusual characteristics from contact with SCP-815, making it safe for conventional disposal.
Testing has shown that the complexity of SCP-815's inner workings are vast. SCP-815 has rather small tolerance levels for shifts in the light wavelengths it absorbs, meaning that while it gains a special attribute with a certain color, it gains different attributes with different shades of said color.
Currently, the list of colors and their corresponding abilities are:
White: SCP-815 remains inert.
Red: SCP-815 rate of acceleration rises exponentially. A simple push can cause SCP-815 to move at a velocity of ████ meters per second.
Blue: SCP-815 vibrates at a rate so fast that the vibration is invisible to the human eye. This allows SCP-815 to "phase" through several types of matter such as [DATA EXPUNGED]
Green: SCP-815 gains a static and kinetic friction coefficient of zero. Once in motion, SCP-815 will stay at a constant rate of motion indefinitely until manipulated from an outside force.
Yellow: SCP-815 will hover exactly ten centimeters in the air.
Black: SCP-815 will take on the properties of a large electromagnet, drawing any metallic objects in a ten meter radius toward it.
Purple: SCP-815 deflective efficiency reaches 100%, allowing it to bounce back from a surface on the exact same angle it approached from.
Orange: SCP-815 will spontaneously combust and stay on fire, despite the lack of flammable material or oxygen..
Cyan: SCP-815 will begin bouncing of its own accord without outside interference.
Tangerine: SCP-815 will [DATA EXPUNGED] with high levels of gamma radiation as a byproduct.
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